Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sore Loser, Shadow Govt

Some people know how to lose, others don't, and some are stuck in denial and continue with their lives as if they haven't lost.

For the last decade we've had to endure the whining of Mayor Wannabe Bob.  Bob has 20/20 hind sight.  He never gets proactively involved to prevent problems, he comes in after it hits the fan to gloat about how stupid everyone is and how he would do it so much better.  Bob is a Republican, but he's not partisan, if its not Bob, its not good, that goes for fellow republican's or even his supporters.  If Councilman EK knew what Bob / SolonJoe have to say about him, whoa, maybe he wouldn't have voted with him two weeks ago.  I think it is my duty to keep my councilman up to date, I've been remiss in that, I better shoot Ed some of Bob's criticisms.  If he thinks Rick took some shots at him, wait till he sees Bob's no hold bars whack.

So what has Sore Loser Bob been doing these days besides not talking to the Mayor Elect?  Well, Bob's gonna take his "Obama style web campaigning" into its next stage as the new Solon Shadow Govt. with his site.  Under the guise of fair and balanced news for the Solon Political scene you will be told that all the non-Bob's who were elected are buffoons worthy of ridicule and scorn.

So let's introduce a new feature - SJ Watch on what's Bob's newest criticisms of the non-Bob's are.

SolonJoe in his various forms has been Abuse Reported, Censored, Deleted, and Revoked several times now.  He's got a low profile right now, hoping to keep SolonJoe3 a little while longer.  One has to wonder if he's ready for another ID Revocation and reincarnation into SolonJoe4.

During his highly critical period timed perfectly with Bob's candicacy announcement when his posts held a shorter shelf life than day old bread, he put his material on  He claims its not his site but oddly the old site had only his content.  Now in the advent of Bob's latest loss at the polls, solonjoe has been retooled with a new look and feel borrowed from Bob's campaign site, most of Joe's content has been removed, it sports a new masthead with a jpg stolen from the Solon City site.  Maybe we can look forward to more pilfering from the official city site has he morphs to his ultimate goal as a shadow govt proclaiming his postition in opposition of the non-Bob's after it is too late to fix.

After the dust settles from his prior copyright infringements of city owned telecasts, maybe Bob will go back to his video forays with YouTube and JibJab...

So for now, what's new with SJ?

SJ cleared off most of the old content except for Grantwood and SolonJoe tabs...

The home page promises us
Grantwood update coming soon.
How many Solon residents actually use this facility?
Why do we continue to throw good money after bad?
More than 2 million dollars in the past 12 months!
We can also expect new material on Golf Carts, Zoning Cops, and CVS signage and wifi.  Yes I know these are the top of everyone's list of top concerns...

It's important to SJ that Web searches for (full names, only initials used here) BP (Wannabe Mayor, Recent Loser) and SD (Mayor-Elect) bring searchers to this new shadow govt web site.

Ironic that he'd use the old Gazebo photo on his masthead.  The Veterans Park is so ripe with cost over runs, I'm surprised he didn't feature that mess on his masthead along with a tab lampooning it.  If he does, remember, you heard it first here on SolonPol.

If you want Bob's whiny propaganda, go to SolonJoe, if you want the inside scoop, the straight poop, keep your browser tuned into SolonPol.

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